01 Jun Run Zagreb – offers running, jogging and walking tours
Bustling Croatian capital Zagreb has become richer with new attractive and active tours which combine running and sightseeing of major city attractions and much more.
Zagreb is a tourist destination on the rise. You can tell that not just by the number of tourists, but also by the number of private accommodations and hostels, as well as by the vast number of various sightseeing tours. Great news for those who like something different and active is that running and jogging sightseeing tours organized by Run Zagreb team are now also offered and are a great addition to Zagreb tourism offer.
Tamara, Ivan, Hrvoje and Sandra are enthusiastic runners and travelers who love spending time in the nature and exploring their town Zagreb. Recently they`ve launched their web page www.RunZagreb.com in which they offer various active sightseeing tours, but also write about things they love in Zagreb, races which they visited and also promote races in Zagreb and Croatia.
„Many tourists want more than from their vacation than just to sit around, they need action and we wanted to show them that Zagreb and Croatia give them the opportunity to stay active during they travel. Now as they plan a trip to Croatia, they can also find a race to run. We want to show that Zagreb Runs.“
Run, Jog or Walk – Zagreb offers more
Run Zagreb offers running, jogging and walking sightseeing tours in Zagreb with a local guide. Enjoy hearing about Zagreb’s history and culture and chatting with your guide about life in Zagreb, restaurants, things to do and much more while doing your training. Depending on the preferred pace, guests can choose a running or jogging tour and pick one of the offered itineraries or make their own. Your unique Zagreb experience doesn`t end with your run, as your guide will take you for a drink to his favorite place – Feel like a local, run as a local.
At the moment Run Zagreb offers running tours from 6 to 26 km and jogging tours from 3 to 12 km. Each tour offers something different. If you are a fan of the urban adventure they will show you the historic side of Zagreb, if you love trail running they will suggest going for the green run or even run to the top of hill Medvednica! For those who want to do their training they also offer a run with a running buddy who will take you through the streets of Zagreb in a steady pace.
„If we can run, we can definitely walk. That`s why we can make any kind of walking tour. There`s no excuse for not seeing Zagreb.“
You can also check them out on social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Explore. Be different. Try something new – Run Zagreb!
More info www.RunZagreb.com